Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mrs. Rowe's Little Book of Southern Pies

So, I haven't been posting here often. I've been working hard on finishing up the MRS. ROWE'S LITTLE BOOK OF SOUTHERN PIES, and doing a lot of work on getting ready to promote it. The book is now available on Amazon. I will try to keep this blog up, but do check at my web site and blog there, which you just need to click on on the main page.

In the mean time, I'm doing some essays for the local NPR affiliate, WVTF. I've blogged about it over at the other blog, as well as some of my experiences with pie and the pie book. I am going to try to continue with this blog--I miss it and I've found that over the past few days that you do, too. I've met several people who have mentioned it to me. I had no idea there was such a huge fan base. Please drop me a line. Respond to posts.

I'm regrouping and dragging a good friend along. Stay tuned.